
So - Here's to a New Beginning

I have made a commitment to building a more vibrant and interesting blog by signing up for the 4-week Blog Triage class with Alyson Stanfield and Cynthia Morris . Today's assignment/homework is to post a description of the people I want to reach with my blog, and what I want to accomplish. Another part of the assignment is to write about what I want to get from blogging.
I have decided to start with the 2nd step. I want to make my blog more interesting, to both readers and to myself. I don't want it to be just the place I post my most recent artwork and where I will be showing my work. I want it to include information about other artists that inspire me and have a interesting story to share. It will have some educational articles, especially articles of interest to other artists that pertain to marketing and eventually selling their artwork. I want to start enjoying blogging, and not look at it as a tedious chore. Hopefully, it will eventually help me network with artists, collectors and students. I am inspired artistically when I am around others.
I'm going to sleep on the first part - who I want to reach with my blog.

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