I currently have a solo show up at the Sandy Springs Library, here in Atlanta. The piece to the left, MUSIC OF THE WORLD, is one of the pieces I am showing. Because I am the daughter and the grand-daughter of piano tuners, I have always turned to music for inspiration. I have always like the way music looks on the page.
Also, the piece on the left side of the banner (above) is in the show. This piece began with a page from a book of music I found at the Goodwill Book Sale. Each page was devoted to a different composer, with the top half devoted to a short biography, and the bottom with a simplified version of a piece of music often associated with that partciular composter. This one was devoted to Bizet, and the music is from Carmen. I used the word "passion" prominently because that best describes this music.
Enjoy. Come to the show at the Sandy Spring Library on Johnson Ferry Road, through 6/31.
Let me know what you think of these pieces. If you use music in your artwork, please share!
Vickie, I will have to see if I can make it over for a look.
Thanks Judy - I don't know why this comment didn't show up sooner. sorry for the delay in responding
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